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Conan Exiles PVP Rewards Exchange

These are the rewards available on our Conan Exiles PVP server. To see how many points you have check the Conan PVP Player Database. To acquire a reward simply copy-paste or type the command for the corresponding item or knowledge into the chat window in-game (it works regardless of global, clan, or local chat). Additionally you may augment your command with a custom quantity if you want to receive more than one of the same item.


Image Command Name Quantity Cost
Hollowbone Arrow!get AR1 1Hollowbone Arrow0.07
Huntress Arrows!get AR2 1Huntress Arrows0.07
Mandibles of Atlach-Nacha!get AR3 1Mandibles of Atlach-Nacha0.07
Act of Violence!get AX1 1Act of Violence7
Raging Axe!get AX10 1Raging Axe7
Razor-sharp Axe!get AX11 1Razor-sharp Axe7
Reaver's Axe!get AX12 1Reaver's Axe7
Rebellious Adze!get AX13 1Rebellious Adze7
Severer!get AX14 1Severer7
Spectral Axe!get AX15 1Spectral Axe7
Strangely Familiar Axe!get AX16 1Strangely Familiar Axe7
The Festering One!get AX17 1The Festering One7
The Mallet!get AX18 1The Mallet7
Yog's Touch!get AX19 1Yog's Touch7
Axe of the Bear!get AX2 1Axe of the Bear7
Bane of the Voiceless Ones!get AX20 1Bane of the Voiceless Ones7
Broken Glass!get AX21 1Broken Glass7
Giant's Fingerbone!get AX22 1Giant's Fingerbone7
Jin's Adze!get AX23 1Jin's Adze7
Axe of the Gate Guardian!get AX3 1Axe of the Gate Guardian7
Axe of the Lion!get AX4 1Axe of the Lion7
Battle-axe of the Berserkers!get AX5 1Battle-axe of the Berserkers7
Corrupted Axe!get AX6 1Corrupted Axe7
Executioner's Axe!get AX7 1Executioner's Axe7
Ghast Axe!get AX8 1Ghast Axe7
Glimmermoon!get AX9 1Glimmermoon7
Bessie's Bow!get BO1 1Bessie's Bow7
Splinter!get BO10 1Splinter7
The Huntress!get BO11 1The Huntress7
Blood-Moon Bow!get BO12 1Blood-Moon Bow7
Derketo's Voice!get BO2 1Derketo's Voice7
Eye of the Khan!get BO3 1Eye of the Khan7
Fling Shot!get BO4 1Fling Shot7
Frostshot!get BO5 1Frostshot7
Heartpiercer!get BO6 1Heartpiercer7
Hunter-In-The-Moonlight!get BO7 1Hunter-In-The-Moonlight7
Pristine Khari Bow!get BO8 1Pristine Khari Bow7
Reach of the Red Mother!get BO9 1Reach of the Red Mother7
Berserker's Fistblades!get CH1 1Berserker's Fistblades7
Brittle Edge!get CH2 1Brittle Edge7
Rip and Tear!get CH3 1Rip and Tear7
Blood-Moon Chakram!get CH4 1Blood-Moon Chakram7
Black Claws!get CL1 1Black Claws7
Bestial Claws!get CL2 1Bestial Claws7
Blooded Claws!get CL3 1Blooded Claws7
Claws of the Wolf!get CL4 1Claws of the Wolf7
Prince Kraxus's Curved Blade!get COS1 1Prince Kraxus's Curved Blade5
Sandals of the Mad Prophet!get COS10 1Sandals of the Mad Prophet3
Short-Sword of Prince Kraxus!get COS2 1Short-Sword of Prince Kraxus5
Mace of Prince Kraxus!get COS3 1Mace of Prince Kraxus5
Pike of Prince Kraxus!get COS4 1Pike of Prince Kraxus5
Helm of the Mad Prophet!get COS5 1Helm of the Mad Prophet3
Harness of the Mad Prophet!get COS6 1Harness of the Mad Prophet3
Bracer of the Mad Prophet!get COS7 1Bracer of the Mad Prophet3
Tasset of the Mad Prophet!get COS8 1Tasset of the Mad Prophet3
Akbitanan Blades!get DA1 1Akbitanan Blades7
Zhaibar Knives!get DA10 1Zhaibar Knives7
Gremlinfangs!get DA11 1Gremlinfangs7
Hound Fang Daggers!get DA12 1Hound Fang Daggers7
Lloigor Fang Daggers!get DA13 1Lloigor Fang Daggers7
Nkosi's Daggers!get DA14 1Nkosi's Daggers7
Daggers of Nameless Days!get DA2 1Daggers of Nameless Days7
Diseased Knives!get DA3 1Diseased Knives7
Heartsblood!get DA4 1Heartsblood7
Jhebbal Sag's Prowl!get DA5 1Jhebbal Sag's Prowl7
Pristine Khari Daggers!get DA6 1Pristine Khari Daggers7
Set's Tongue!get DA7 1Set's Tongue7
The Grim!get DA8 1The Grim7
The Shank!get DA9 1The Shank7
Hunger Blades!get DU1 1Hunger Blades7
War Sickles!get DU2 1War Sickles7
Black Feather Helm!get EQ1 1Black Feather Helm7
God Eye!get EQ10 1God Eye7
Helm of the Brute!get EQ11 1Helm of the Brute7
Legacy of the Nordheimers!get EQ12 1Legacy of the Nordheimers7
Night-Stalkers Mask!get EQ13 1Night-Stalkers Mask7
Scorpion Harness!get EQ14 1Scorpion Harness7
Scorpion Helm!get EQ15 1Scorpion Helm7
The Horned Helmet!get EQ16 1The Horned Helmet7
The Nemedian!get EQ17 1The Nemedian7
Vermin Hide Boots!get EQ18 1Vermin Hide Boots7
Vermin Hide Pants!get EQ19 1Vermin Hide Pants7
Blindsight!get EQ2 1Blindsight7
War Mammoth Boots!get EQ20 1War Mammoth Boots7
War-Dancer Chest!get EQ21 1War-Dancer Chest7
Webbed Boots!get EQ22 1Webbed Boots7
Commander's Chestplate!get EQ3 1Commander's Chestplate7
Commander's Helmet!get EQ4 1Commander's Helmet7
Dragonscale Helm!get EQ5 1Dragonscale Helm7
Executioner's Hood!get EQ6 1Executioner's Hood7
Exquisite Silk Leggings!get EQ7 1Exquisite Silk Leggings7
Exquisite Silk Shirt!get EQ8 1Exquisite Silk Shirt7
Gauntlets of the Brute!get EQ9 1Gauntlets of the Brute7
Morning Sun!get GA1 1Morning Sun7
Scythe of Thag!get GA2 1Scythe of Thag7
The Beak!get GA3 1The Beak7
Trollbane!get GA4 1Trollbane7
Annihilator!get GS1 1Annihilator7
The Papyrus Blade!get GS10 1The Papyrus Blade7
The Watchblade!get GS11 1The Watchblade7
Massive Lloigor Fang!get GS12 1Massive Lloigor Fang7
Baal-pteor's Razor!get GS2 1Baal-pteor's Razor7
Blade of the Adventurer!get GS3 1Blade of the Adventurer7
Blade of the Betrayer!get GS4 1Blade of the Betrayer7
Jedias Greatsaber!get GS5 1Jedias Greatsaber7
Legacy of the Reaver!get GS6 1Legacy of the Reaver7
Lying Bastard Sword!get GS7 1Lying Bastard Sword7
Mastodon Killer!get GS8 1Mastodon Killer7
Sword of Crom!get GS9 1Sword of Crom7
Baal-pteor's Lodestone!get HA1 1Baal-pteor's Lodestone7
Misplaced Guardian's Will Breaker!get HA10 1Misplaced Guardian's Will Breaker7
Rage Hammer!get HA11 1Rage Hammer7
Ranissan!get HA12 1Ranissan7
Sledge of Tsotha-lanti!get HA13 1Sledge of Tsotha-lanti7
World Breaker!get HA14 1World Breaker7
Fate of Sarnath!get HA15 1Fate of Sarnath7
Fiend-bone Hammer!get HA16 1Fiend-bone Hammer7
Morda!get HA17 1Morda7
Bec-de-Corbin!get HA2 1Bec-de-Corbin7
Crom's Hammer!get HA3 1Crom's Hammer7
Doom!get HA4 1Doom7
Evening Star!get HA5 1Evening Star7
Forgelight!get HA6 1Forgelight7
Hammer of Thag!get HA7 1Hammer of Thag7
Hanuman's Gada!get HA8 1Hanuman's Gada7
Maelstrom (EL)!get HA9 1Maelstrom (EL)7
Blade of Seven Winds!get KA1 1Blade of Seven Winds7
Curved Slayer!get KA2 1Curved Slayer7
Graceful Night!get KA3 1Graceful Night7
Jagged Edge!get KA4 1Jagged Edge7
Musashi's Black Blade!get KA5 1Musashi's Black Blade7
Prince Kraxus's Curved Blade!get KA6 1Prince Kraxus's Curved Blade7
Silent Slash!get KA7 1Silent Slash7
Song of the Minstrel!get KA8 1Song of the Minstrel7
Balias!get LS1 1Balias7
Specter's Bane!get LS10 1Specter's Bane7
Spectral Sword (Variant B)!get LS11 1Spectral Sword (Variant B)7
The Bane of Khosatral Khel!get LS12 1The Bane of Khosatral Khel7
The Predatory Blade!get LS13 1The Predatory Blade7
The Wightblade!get LS14 1The Wightblade7
Tulwar of Amir Khurum!get LS15 1Tulwar of Amir Khurum7
Bloodstone Sword!get LS16 1Bloodstone Sword7
Calandra's Sword!get LS17 1Calandra's Sword7
Lloigor Fang!get LS18 1Lloigor Fang7
Boatswain's Hook!get LS2 1Boatswain's Hook7
Drunkard's Blade!get LS3 1Drunkard's Blade7
Dueling Blade of the Hawk!get LS4 1Dueling Blade of the Hawk7
El's Drinker!get LS5 1El's Drinker7
Executioner's Blade!get LS6 1Executioner's Blade7
Eye of the Watcher!get LS7 1Eye of the Watcher7
Ghast Sword!get LS8 1Ghast Sword7
Pristine Khari Sword!get LS9 1Pristine Khari Sword7
Aja's Bane!get MA1 1Aja's Bane7
The Unintelligible!get MA10 1The Unintelligible7
The Wyrd!get MA11 1The Wyrd7
Ator's Mace!get MA12 1Ator's Mace7
Bryta!get MA13 1Bryta7
Fiend-bone Mace!get MA14 1Fiend-bone Mace7
Ghoul Bone!get MA15 1Ghoul Bone7
Ghoulish Club!get MA16 1Ghoulish Club7
Mace of Prince Kraxus!get MA17 1Mace of Prince Kraxus7
Skada!get MA18 1Skada7
Heated Argument!get MA2 1Heated Argument7
Lovetap!get MA3 1Lovetap7
Mace of Thag!get MA4 1Mace of Thag7
Mitra's Justice!get MA5 1Mitra's Justice7
Momentum!get MA6 1Momentum7
Nortis!get MA7 1Nortis7
Quake!get MA8 1Quake7
The Brittle Bastard!get MA9 1The Brittle Bastard7
Diseased Spike!get PD1 1Diseased Spike7
Knave's Knives!get PD2 1Knave's Knives7
Nimblefinger!get PD3 1Nimblefinger7
Blood-Moon Punching Daggers!get PD4 1Blood-Moon Punching Daggers7
Akbitanan Shield!get SH1 1Akbitanan Shield7
Ymir's Targe!get SH10 1Ymir's Targe7
Calandra's Shield!get SH11 1Calandra's Shield7
Lantern Shield!get SH12 1Lantern Shield7
Shield of Stone Oak!get SH13 1Shield of Stone Oak7
Shield of Zabweth!get SH14 1Shield of Zabweth7
Black Bruargh's Fury!get SH2 1Black Bruargh's Fury7
Black Iron Bulwark!get SH3 1Black Iron Bulwark7
Maelstrom Bulwark!get SH4 1Maelstrom Bulwark7
Mistmourn!get SH5 1Mistmourn7
Scorpion Ward!get SH6 1Scorpion Ward7
Shield of Kutamun!get SH7 1Shield of Kutamun7
Solspeil!get SH8 1Solspeil7
The Black Phalanx!get SH9 1The Black Phalanx7
Sigil of the Bat!get SI1 1Sigil of the Bat1.5
Sigil of the Harpy!get SI10 1Sigil of the Harpy1.5
Sigil of the Serpent!get SI11 1Sigil of the Serpent1.5
Sigil of the Snakemen!get SI12 1Sigil of the Snakemen1.5
Sigil of the Wolf-brothers!get SI13 1Sigil of the Wolf-brothers1.5
Sigil of the Wolfmen!get SI14 1Sigil of the Wolfmen1.5
Sigil of the Demon!get SI2 1Sigil of the Demon1.5
Sigil of the Outsider!get SI3 1Sigil of the Outsider1.5
Sigil of Jhil's Brood!get SI4 1Sigil of Jhil's Brood1.5
Sigil of the Fiend!get SI5 1Sigil of the Fiend1.5
Sigil of the Drowned!get SI6 1Sigil of the Drowned1.5
Sigil of the Twice-Drowned!get SI7 1Sigil of the Twice-Drowned1.5
Sigil of the Goblin!get SI8 1Sigil of the Goblin1.5
Sigil of the Gremlin!get SI9 1Sigil of the Gremlin1.5
Black Dragon Pike!get SP1 1Black Dragon Pike7
Ator's Pike!get SP10 1Ator's Pike7
Long Lloigor Fang!get SP11 1Long Lloigor Fang7
Nkosi's Pike!get SP12 1Nkosi's Pike7
Pike of Prince Kraxus!get SP13 1Pike of Prince Kraxus7
Yakith Spike!get SP14 1Yakith Spike7
Gavain's Rusty Pike!get SP2 1Gavain's Rusty Pike7
Infectious Reach!get SP3 1Infectious Reach7
Lifeblood Spear!get SP4 1Lifeblood Spear7
Mordlun!get SP5 1Mordlun7
Staff of Hanuman!get SP6 1Staff of Hanuman7
The Impaler!get SP7 1The Impaler7
Vaulting Pole!get SP8 1Vaulting Pole7
Warspear of the Black Circle!get SP9 1Warspear of the Black Circle7
Alligator Bite!get SS1 1Alligator Bite7
Render!get SS2 1Render7
Sword of Champions!get SS3 1Sword of Champions7
Shadow's Bite!get SS4 1Shadow's Bite7
Short-Sword of Prince Kraxus!get SS5 1Short-Sword of Prince Kraxus7
Akbitanan Throwing Knife!get TH1 1Akbitanan Throwing Knife0.7
Fangs of the Red Mother!get TH2 1Fangs of the Red Mother0.7
Unwelcome Gift!get TH3 1Unwelcome Gift7
Riptide!get TH4 1Riptide7
Thunnha Javelin!get TH5 1Thunnha Javelin0.7
Coup de Grace!get TO1 1Coup de Grace7
Maw of the Hyena!get TO10 1Maw of the Hyena7
The Pecker!get TO11 1The Pecker7
Dead Woman's Tresses!get TO12 1Dead Woman's Tresses7
Hangman's Bindings!get TO13 1Hangman's Bindings7
Bindings of the Dead!get TO14 1Bindings of the Dead7
Final Breath of the Red Mother!get TO15 1Final Breath of the Red Mother7
Maelstrom Light!get TO16 1Maelstrom Light7
The Tiger's Truncheon!get TO2 1The Tiger's Truncheon7
Szeth's Truncheon!get TO3 1Szeth's Truncheon7
Black Blood Hatchet!get TO4 1Black Blood Hatchet7
Black Blood Pick!get TO5 1Black Blood Pick7
Black Blood Sickle!get TO6 1Black Blood Sickle7
Black Blood Skinning Knife!get TO7 1Black Blood Skinning Knife7
Reliable Butcher!get TO8 1Reliable Butcher7
Chef's Trusted Cleaver!get TO9 1Chef's Trusted Cleaver7


Image Command Name Quantity Cost
Bat-Demon Armory!get RE01 1Bat-Demon Armory8
Bat-Demon Vault Armors!get RE02 1Bat-Demon Vault Armors8
Demon-Spider Armory!get RE03 1Demon-Spider Armory8
Outsider Vault Armors!get RE04 1Outsider Vault Armors8
Drowned Armory!get RE05 1Drowned Armory8
Drowned Vault Armors!get RE06 1Drowned Vault Armors8
Fiend Armory!get RE07 1Fiend Armory8
Fiend Vault Armors!get RE08 1Fiend Vault Armors8
Goblin Armory!get RE09 1Goblin Armory8
Goblin Vault Armors!get RE10 1Goblin Vault Armors8
Harpy Armory!get RE11 1Harpy Armory8
Harpy Vault Armors!get RE12 1Harpy Vault Armors8
Jhil Armory!get RE13 1Jhil Armory8
Jhil Vault Armors!get RE14 1Jhil Vault Armors8
Serpentes Armory!get RE15 1Serpentes Armory8
Serpentes Vault Armors!get RE16 1Serpentes Vault Armors8
Wolfmen Armory!get RE17 1Wolfmen Armory8
Wolfmen Vault Armors!get RE18 1Wolfmen Vault Armors8
Vagabond Armor!get RE19 1Vagabond Armor8
Heavy-weight Truncheon!get RE20 1Heavy-weight Truncheon8
Voidforge Gladius!get RE22 1Voidforge Gladius8
Voidforge Great Axe!get RE23 1Voidforge Great Axe8
Voidforge Great Sword!get RE24 1Voidforge Great Sword8
Voidforge Katana!get RE25 1Voidforge Katana8
Voidforge Kris!get RE26 1Voidforge Kris8
Voidforge Mace!get RE27 1Voidforge Mace8
Voidforge Pike!get RE28 1Voidforge Pike8
Voidforge Shield!get RE29 1Voidforge Shield8
Voidforge Sword!get RE30 1Voidforge Sword8
Voidforge War-Axe!get RE31 1Voidforge War-Axe8
Voidforge Warhammer!get RE32 1Voidforge Warhammer8
Eldarium Tools!get RE33 1Eldarium Tools12
Delving Bench!get RE34 1Delving Bench20
Voidforge Bow!get RE35 1Voidforge Bow8
Voidforge Arrows!get RE36 1Voidforge Arrows8
Bestial Regalia!get RE37 1Bestial Regalia15
Black Corsair Outfit!get RE38 1Black Corsair Outfit15
Iron Leg-hold Trap!get RE39 1Iron Leg-hold Trap10


Image Command Name Quantity Cost
Arena Champion!get TH01 1Arena Champion100
The Judge!get TH02 1The Judge100
Serka of the Silk!get TH03 1Serka of the Silk40
Ontra the Blacksmith!get TH04 1Ontra the Blacksmith40
Henrietta the Armorer!get TH05 1Henrietta the Armorer40


Image Command Name Quantity Cost
Greater Yakith!get PT01 1Greater Yakith15
Brutus!get PT02 1Brutus20

Decorations (Knowledge)

Image Command Name Quantity Cost
Devolved Spider Statue!get BB01 1Devolved Spider Statue5
Devolved Wolf-man Statue!get BB02 1Devolved Wolf-man Statue5
Devolved Serpent-man Statue!get BB03 1Devolved Serpent-man Statue5
Devolved Harpy Statue!get BB04 1Devolved Harpy Statue5
Devolved Goblin Statue!get BB05 1Devolved Goblin Statue5
Devolved Drowned Statue!get BB06 1Devolved Drowned Statue5
Devolved Bat Statue!get BB07 1Devolved Bat Statue5
Devolved Fiend Statue!get BB08 1Devolved Fiend Statue5
Devolved Bird Statue!get BB09 1Devolved Bird Statue5
Devolved Serpent-man Hand Trophy!get BB10 1Devolved Serpent-man Hand Trophy5
Devolved Goblin Horn Trophy!get BB11 1Devolved Goblin Horn Trophy5
Devolved Drowned Scale Trophy!get BB12 1Devolved Drowned Scale Trophy5
Devolved Demon-Spider Chunk Trophy!get BB13 1Devolved Demon-Spider Chunk Trophy5
Devolved Harpy Feather Trophy!get BB14 1Devolved Harpy Feather Trophy5
Devolved Fiend Bone Trophy!get BB15 1Devolved Fiend Bone Trophy5
Devolved Bird Wing Trophy!get BB16 1Devolved Bird Wing Trophy5
Devolved Bat Claw Trophy!get BB17 1Devolved Bat Claw Trophy5
Eldarium-Reinforced Chest!get BB18 1Eldarium-Reinforced Chest10
Lectern!get BB19 1Lectern7
Devolved Serpent-man Insignia!get BB20 1Devolved Serpent-man Insignia5
Devolved Wolf-man Insignia!get BB21 1Devolved Wolf-man Insignia5
Devolved Goblin Insignia!get BB22 1Devolved Goblin Insignia5
Devolved Fiend Insignia!get BB23 1Devolved Fiend Insignia5
Devolved Drowned Insignia!get BB24 1Devolved Drowned Insignia5
Devolved Demon-Spider Insignia!get BB25 1Devolved Demon-Spider Insignia5
Devolved Harpy Insigni!get BB26 1Devolved Harpy Insigni5
Devolved Bird Insignia!get BB27 1Devolved Bird Insignia5
Devolved Bat Insignia!get BB28 1Devolved Bat Insignia5