Conan Exiles PVP Player Info Dashboard
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Conan Exiles PVP Player Info Dashboard

View players, playtime, points, and supporter warp cooldowns. Play points are earned at a rate of 1 per hour for everyone by default, increasing incrementally for supporters up to 1.5 per hour for Tier V supporters. Additionally, you have the option to buy points if you'd like to help support the server without becoming a Patreon ($1 USD = 10 points). New Patreon supporters will receive a one-time consignment bonus equal to their pledge. Points will carry over between wipes, but there is a 72-hour delay on shop use after wipes. See the Rewards Shop for details on how to use your points. We run on more powerful hardware than any other Conan server by far, so donations are appreciated to help cover the exorbitant costs. However, everyone earns points by playing to ensure fairness.

15 players online